Coaching and Doula services are unique to every request within the guidelines of this website. Costs are outlined to help navigate and plan time with Karen.

Hourly Rate: $75.00 hour

Blocks of hours can be customized to meet clients needs, as some individuals need longer periods of time to process.

Please note payment up front for hourly is requested.

Half payment for packages is requested up front and again midway. Any first hours can be folded into a package.

Packages range from 20 to 40 hours.

Karen’s Recovery & Restorative protocols can be requested separately or included as part of the LEOL Coaching process as well as Death Doula Services. This service uses the healing power of plants to facilitate Letting Go of Loss of any kind as well as during the End of Life Experience.

Her proprietary Recovery and Restorative Protocols use Somatic Breathing Meditation along with Plant Medicines in multiple forms such as Essential Oils, Tintures, Hydrosols and Living Herbs.